Monday, 3 June 2013

Clinical Risk Assessment and Management: The Critical Role of Formulation

I wanted to share the really positive experience I had at the recent BPS CPD day on Clinical Risk Assessment and Management: The Critical Role of Formulation delivered by an effervescent and very informed Dr Caroline Logan. 

Well it was always going to be a risk - navigating the perpetual roadworks of the M62 in order to get to Manchester by 10.  So I ustilised the 5 -Ps...
the Problem - getting to Manchester before the start of the programme at 10
Precipitating factors = Traffic and roadworks
Perpetuating factors = Traffic and roadworks worsened by a broken down lorry that resulted in a lane closure and even more traffic.
Predisposing factors = vulnerability factors = the drivers - literally
Protective factors  = I left home at 7.15 to ensure I arrived in  plenty of time (TomTom said 2 hours - tops!)
then I encountered the remaining 3Ps in a continuous revolution...
When I eventually got there - 10.30 I was met with "why didn't you get the train?"
Wish I had...

The day was exciting and informative, with Caroline connecting with each one of us as she picked up on comments we had made about our work and interpretation. 
The day provided  

1. An overview of the most recent thinking on the structured professional judgement approach to clinical risk assessment and management. 
2.  An understanding of the critical role of formulation as the bridge between risk assessment and risk management.
3. Skills in risk formulation
4. A framework for evaluating risk formulations
5. Skills in the communication of risk formulations
The HCR-20 version 3 was discussed in detail. We even talked about the current DSM-V debate!  A very interesting and fulfilling day with a very fulfilling lunch!